Our Accessibility Statement
- Alternative text for appropriate images and other non-text elements
- Title attributes for information about links and browser windows
- High-level contrast text for better visibility
- Providing device-independent accessibility with the mouse as well as keyboard
- Structural markup to indicate headings, labels, and lists to aid in page comprehension
- Association of all data cells in a data table with headers
- All web pages appear and can operate in a simple way
- Providing help-text/tips to correct keying mistakes
- JavaScript and style sheets to enhance the appearance and functionality of the site
- Supportive ARIA for better coverage of screen reading
Your Profile contains a collection of professional and personal details that is used to match you to jobs and offer personalized career advice.
On Latestjobopening.com, you presently don’t need to sign up or have a profile before you can apply for jobs listed on our website.
Find Jobs
- On any page in the site, skip to the job search fields in the page header.
- Enter search words in the “Any Job Title” and/or “Any Skills or Keywords” fields. You can tab to move from field to field in the job search form.
- In the “Any Location” field, start typing the city you are interested in searching and then select the city from the list of cities in the type-ahead dropdown list.
- Activate the “Search” button to begin your search.
- On the search results page, you can scan through each job in the list. Click the Job Title to view the complete job posting.
- To refine your job search results, skip to the “Advanced Search” link in the search form at the top of the page.
- On the Advanced Search page, skip to the additional criteria fields to further define the job you are looking for. Some of the criteria that you can add to an advanced search are Companies, Job Type, Salary Range, and Total Years of Experience.
- Once you have added the criteria you want, skip to and activate the “Search” button to return to the new search results list.
Apply for jobs
You apply for a job from the job view page. All jobs listed on our website don’t need you to have an account with us to apply, while others allow you to apply simply with an email address and resume. In some cases, you will be re-directed to an Employer’s site to apply.
From the job search results page, click the job title for the job you are interested in. To apply for the job, activate the “Apply for job” button at the bottom of the page.
Some apply pages will only ask for an email address and a resume. Your screen reader will provide the skip to and selection instructions to take you easily through this simplified apply flow.