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Latest Statistics Canada Jobs Vacancy – Apply Now


Statistics Canada

Overview of Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada Jobs: Statistics Canada (StatCan) will conduct the next census in May 2021 and is staffing 32,000 jobs across Canada. Individuals are being hired to be part of this large-scale national project in communities both big and small to collect crucial data that will be used to plan for the future. While recruitment is going well, we are still hiring across the country.

StatCan has adapted its approach for the 2021 Census to the COVID-19 reality to ensure that every Canadian has an opportunity to be heard and that the census is conducted in the best and safest way possible.

Census procedures have been redesigned to ensure the safety of respondents and census employees by limiting the amount of contact required to participate in this important undertaking. This will enable the majority of Canadians to complete the questionnaire through an efficient, secure and user-friendly online application.

All equipment required to keep census employees safe during the pandemic will be provided by StatCan, and employees will work close to home, in their local communities. Census staff will identify dwellings on maps, follow up with respondents by phone and conduct physically distanced in-person interviews, when required.

A variety of supervisory and non-supervisory opportunities are available between March and July 2021.

Statistics Canada Jobs Salary Details

  • The rate of pay varies by positionā€”from $17.83 to $21.77 per hour.
  • In select northern and remote communities, the rate of pay ranges from $29.25 to $31.25 per hour.
  • All employees are paid for authorized expenses.

Screening criteria

To apply, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You mustĀ be 18 yearsĀ of age or older.
  • You mustĀ be a Canadian citizenĀ or be entitled toĀ work in Canada.
  • You mustĀ have a Canadian home address.
  • Applicants must be eligible to work in Canada and able to commit to a flexible work schedule (primarily in the evening and on weekends).

Your application will not be considered if you do not meet the screening criteria.

How often can I apply?

  • Do not apply more than once for the same selection process number.
  • You will be considered for all levels of positions you indicate an interest in.

Providing false or fraudulent information

Any false or fraudulent information will result in:

  • TheĀ rejection of your applicationĀ and elimination from the selection process.
  • TheĀ revocation of your job, if you have already been hired.

What you will need to complete this application

In order to save time, we recommend that you gather the following information:

  • Current or previous paid / voluntary work experience.
    Include the name of employer, address, job title, period of employment.
  • Names of two persons who have supervised your work or know of your work and to whom we may refer in confidence.

It isĀ important to completeĀ this job applicationĀ in full.

Statistics Canada Jobs

Available Statistics Canada Jobs by Province

To apply for this job please visit www68.statcan.gc.ca.

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